H. McMicken, M.D.
This is obsolete information that pertains to my previous practice that closed November 1, 2007
medical practice is limited to Internal Medicine, both
Primary Care and inpatient hospital care
present, medical coverage of this practice includes these
H. McMicken, M.D.
Henrietta Fridman, M.D.
Dana L. Kerner, D.O.
E. Gary Lamsback, M.D.
David J. Zweiback, D.O.
All physicians have Staff privileges at:
Redeemer Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
College of Physicians
Medical Association
for Disease Control
of the American
Association (JAMA)
England Journal of Medicine
Quality personalized primary care, in office and in the
hospital, in the tradition of the "family doctor", for
persons aged 16 years and older.
Specialty practice in Internal Medicine.
Medical consultation services, such as preoperative
medical evaluations, and diagnosis of multisystem disorders
with complex symptoms.
Referrals for specialty consultations
Weight control counseling and therapy
Physical Therapy
Minor surgical procedures.
Clinical Laboratory: This office does not perform
laboratory procedures in the office, but we collect blood
and/or other biologic specimens for transport to a reference
9 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday
9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Wed., Sat., Sun.
No hours
Patients are requested to make a scheduled appointment for
routine visits.
Dr. McMicken usually prefers that new patients have
an initial visit of 45 - 60 minutes for a complete medical
history and physical examination.
New patients will be asked to complete a written
medical history form prior to the first visit whenever
Routine follow-up visits are usually expected to be
between 10 - 15 minutes. Please let the appointment desk
know if your visit is for a special service, such as
preoperative consultation requiring a written report to the
referring physician and special testing or
electrocardiogram, so you may be given extra time.
Patients are seen in order of their appointment time
and not in order of arrival.
In the event of acute illness, please call ahead to
be worked into the schedule on the same day if
Severe, acute illnesses that may be life threatening
or require immediate x-rays or laboratory studies not done
in the office, are best treated in the nearest hospital
Emergency Department.
At times there will be emergency problems and
situations which will make it impossible to adhere to the
prearranged office schedule.
If office hours must be delayed or curtailed, the
office staff will inform you and give you the option of
either rescheduling your appointment or waiting until the
doctor can see you.

Did you say your insurance plan has no forms to fill
Dr. McMicken is a participating physician with Medicare,
Blue Shield, and Inter-county insurances; and participates
as primary care physician with the following HMO and
"managed care" plans: Aetna, Americare and Keystone Health
Plan, PruCare, MetLife, and others.
Referrals for HMO patients require prior approval of the doctor and are done electronically. No forms need be picked up at the office.
Please give 48 hours notice when you need a referral, unless there is a true emergency situation.
An electronic referral must be placed in the computer system before seeing
specialists or having diagnostic studies. If you do not have a referral, the consultant or diagnostic study provider may refuse to serve you.
Medicare patients are responsible for the annual $100
deductible each year, and the 20% of the bill not covered by
Medicare unless it is covered by a secondary or "Medigap"
insurance plan. If Medicare does not automatically transmit your claim to your secondary insurance, you are personally responsible for payment and collection from your econdary insurer. This will require you to submit your Medicare Explanation of Benefits form to the secondary insurer with your claim.
Under Federal Law a physician may not waive the 20%
payment and accept the 80% paid by Medicare as payment in
Commercial insurance will be billed and assignment
accepted in payment of covered services or special
If an insurance company does not pay a bill within 60
days, the patient will be billed personally and expected to
pay. Payment of fees is ultimately a personal obligation and
responsibility of the patient.
Medical Office:
215 947-6470
Fax: 215 947-3787
When you call the office, please give your name, telephone
number, and the purpose of your
Office assistants are trained to help the doctor in
evaluation of your problem, and are instructed to ask for
the pertinent information and history of your problem and
inform the doctor. It is not necessary to speak with the
doctor himself for information about routine office
Problems that require lengthy explanations are better solved
in a new office visit than on the
Routine telephone calls regarding information, lab test
results, prescription refills, etc., should be made during
regular office hours! When
the telephone calls are extremely heavy, the caller may get
a message informing him/her that all lines are busy, and
asking to leave a voice mail message.
call again if all lines are busy, since important calls
should not be left as voice mail
messages, since they
may not be checked until later in the day or the next
regular office hours.
For urgent or emergency problems during or after hours,
please call 215 947-6470. A voice mail message will answer
calls after hours, on weekends, and holidays, and will give
you instructions on how to reach Dr. McMicken or the doctor
on call. If Dr. McMicken is not on call, the name of the
physician on call will be given as well as instructions on
how to contact the physician on
The doctor may not be able to return your call directly and
efficiently if you automatically refuse calls from callers
who block their number.
The doctor on call also has a busy hospital schedule to
maintain. If you
do not receive a call back within a reasonable time, please
place your call again.
If Dr. McMicken is away, the physician covering may not be
able to renew prescriptions without examining you himself.
Also, the physician on call will not renew or give
prescriptions for narcotics or controlled substances by
telephone. It is therefore advisable to check medicine
supplies and request routine prescription renewals before
weekends and holidays.
Non-urgent messages, requests for referrals, lab or x-ray
reports, etc., may be sent to the office by FAX, whether the
office is open or not. Fax messages sent after hours, on
weekends, or holidays, will not be seen until the next
working day.
number is (215) 947-3787. Non-urgent messages may also be
sent by email, but patients must be aware that there may be
a delay in receipt of email, and a high degree of privacy
can not be guaranteed for unencrypted email messages.
Statements are usually mailed within the first 10 days of
each month.
Payment is requested at the time of service if not
covered by insurance with which we are participating.
If bill is not paid by insurance within 60 days,
statement will be sent directly to patient who is then
responsible for prompt payment.
If bill payment can not be made promptly, please
discuss the problem with our office staff, who will help you
arrange a payment plan.
See section on Insurance in the column
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Philmont Avenue
(Red Lion Road and Philmont Avenue)
Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 19006