basic principles of non-drug therapy of high blood pressure
are salt restriction, adequate intake of potassium and other
minerals, restriction of fats and cholesterol in diet,
maintaining ideal body weight, regular exercise, avoidance
of alcohol and tobacco, and avoidance of stress. These
principles can be recognized, in general, as simply
controlling known risk factors for arteriosclerotic disease.
The principles of non-drug therapy are listed in Table 2.,
Restriction of salt (sodium) intake in diet
2. Adequate dietary intake of potassium, calcium,
and magnesium
3. Restriction of saturated fats and cholesterol in
4. Maintenance of ideal body weight
5. Regular physical exercise
6. Avoidance of alcoholic beverages
7. No smoking or other use of tobacco products
8. Avoidance of excessive stress
General Considerations
comprehensive non drug treatment program for high blood
pressure must include the following components:
- Restriction of dietary
sodium to 2,000 to 3,000 mg. daily.
- Reduce dietary
saturated fat and cholesterol.
- Caloric restrictions
to maintain ideal body weigh.
- Maintain adequate
intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
- Limit alcoholic intake
to no more than 2 ounces and preferably one ounce per day
(one ounce of alcohol is contained in 2 usual portions of
beer, wine, or spirits).
- Stop smoking. This may
not influence the blood pressure directly, but will have
a marked beneficial effect on overall cardiovascular and
pulmonary health.
- Aerobic exercise of 20
to 30 minutes at least three times a week.
- Reduce stress by
whatever form of relaxation therapy that is acceptable to
the individual.
components are also recognized as beneficial in preventing
coronary heart disease. There is inevitable overlap in the
treatment of coronary heart disease (discussed later in this
book) and the treatment of high blood pressure. This is
understandable, since the two conditions are so closely
linked with each other.
Salt (Sodium)
before drug treatment was generally available, the value of
dietary salt restriction was observed to help control high
blood pressure. An early example was the "Rice Diet" devised
by Dr. Walter Kempner in the 1940's which was effective
because of its severe sodium restriction to only 150 mg.
daily. In milder cases, moderate salt restriction may be the
only method necessary for adequate control. Sodium is the
mineral element that is involved; ordinary "table salt" or
sodium chloride is the predominant source of sodium in our
diets. It is necessary in the body for proper transmission
of nerve impulses, for regulating blood volume and water
balance in body tissues.
occurs naturally in all foods to varying degrees, so it is
impossible to make a diet completely "sodium free". Salt is more
harmful to some people than others. The distinction between
"sodium" and "salt" is sometimes confusing. Sodium chloride,
or "salt", is about 40 percent sodium and 60 percent
chloride by weight. Sodium is present in compounds other
than common "salt". Some of these compounds are: Monosodium
glutamate (MSG), used as a flavor enhancer; Sodium
saccharin, used as a non-caloric sweetener; Disodium
phosphate; a compound added to some hot cereals to shorten
cooking time; Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate); and baking
powder, used as leaving agent in baked goods.