3 (Notice of Privacy Policies)
To Receive An Accounting Of Disclosures Of Your Personal
Health Information (continued
from page 2)
reserve our right to temporarily suspend your right to
receive an accounting of disclosures to health oversight
agencies or law enforcement officials, as required by law.
We will provide the first accounting to you in any twelve
(12) month period without charge, but will impose a
reasonable cost-based fee for responding to each subsequent
request for accounting within that same twelve (12) month
period. All requests for an accounting shall be sent
H. McMicken, M.D
Internal Medicine Associates, Inc.
2600 Philmont Avenue, Suite 323
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
may file a complaint with us and with the Secretary of DHHS
if you believe that your privacy rights have been violated.
You may submit your complaint in writing by mail or
electronically to our privacy officer, Roberta Fleischman,
at the office mailing address, or to the office email
address provided in our WebSite, A
complaint must name the entity that is the subject of the
complaint and describe the acts or omissions believed to be
in violation of the applicable requirements of HIPAA or this
Privacy Policy. A complaint must be received by us or filed
with the Secretary of DHHS within 180 days of when you knew
or should have known that the act or omission complained of
occurred. You may file your complaint directly with the
Secretary of DHHS at email address
or call 202-619-0257. You will not be retaliated against for
filing any complaint.
to this Privacy Policy
reserve the right to revise or amend this Privacy Policy at
any time. These revisions or amendments may be made
effective for all personal health information we maintain
even if created or received prior to the effective date of
the revision or amendment. We will post a summary of the
current notice in the office with its effective date at the
top. You are entitled to a copy of the notice currently in
effect. This notice will also be posted on our WebSite,,
within 60 days of the effective date of such revision,
amendment, or change.
Access to Privacy Policy
will provide you with a copy of the most recent version of
this Privacy Policy at any time upon your written request
sent to:
H. McMicken, M.D
Internal Medicine Associates, Inc.
2600 Philmont Avenue, Suite 323
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
or at the
following email address:
For any other requests or for further information regarding
the privacy of your personal health information, and for
information regarding the filing of a complaint with us,
please contact our privacy officer Roberta Fleischman at the
address, telephone number 215-947-6470, or e-mail address
listed above.

William H.